Sunday, 17 April 2011

Figure of Words

An illustration where I was to make a figure out of letters, characters or numbers. Came up with this, a figure questioning his own existence, to be, or not to be.



Wanted to do something different, to work big and create a piece with the use of materials and paint. The original size is 2,5x2m, and I have barely ever painted with acrylics before, so it was a big challenge. I was also working with two different perspectives, one with the painting and one with the materials, so it was quite hard to get it right.

The concept behind is to illustrate Dignity with the use of garbage. What I want to say is that people throw away too much garbage, even stuff that can be recycled or reused. I want to give garbage a face, something that deserves a better destiny. The little kid represents the new generations that must lead garbage into a brighter future.

Never got satisfied with the photo and editing, and there`s a lot of things I could have done differntly. But I had a deadline to reach, and I didn`t have the time to do things all over. So even though I´m not quite happy with the final result, it was fun doing something different.

The final result:
