Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Afro Magician

Third one for today. Productive! Wanted to make another one where the hair wasn`t the thing swirling around. Came up with an Afro Magician.

Smile And Be Happy

Decided to make another one. Quite enjoying this style, so think I`ll be making some more characters in the same fashion. As with the last one, I just come up with the design as I go along. Thought it would be ironic to make this huge, sad guy with smiley faces on his sweater.

The Dancer

It`s been a long time since I made something, so thought I`d pick up my drawing board and do some photoshoping again. School is over and I don`t really have much plans for the summer. It will therefore be a good opportunity to do a lot of drawing, and there will most likely be lots of new posts over the summer. This one I call "The Dancer," which I made in a couple of hours. Had no intension of making a dancer to begin with, it just sort of came to life as I went on drawing. Think it turned out pretty ok :)

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Figure of Words

An illustration where I was to make a figure out of letters, characters or numbers. Came up with this, a figure questioning his own existence, to be, or not to be.



Wanted to do something different, to work big and create a piece with the use of materials and paint. The original size is 2,5x2m, and I have barely ever painted with acrylics before, so it was a big challenge. I was also working with two different perspectives, one with the painting and one with the materials, so it was quite hard to get it right.

The concept behind is to illustrate Dignity with the use of garbage. What I want to say is that people throw away too much garbage, even stuff that can be recycled or reused. I want to give garbage a face, something that deserves a better destiny. The little kid represents the new generations that must lead garbage into a brighter future.

Never got satisfied with the photo and editing, and there`s a lot of things I could have done differntly. But I had a deadline to reach, and I didn`t have the time to do things all over. So even though I´m not quite happy with the final result, it was fun doing something different.

The final result:


Thursday, 31 March 2011

Before, Now, After

Just found an image I made about a year ago. I wanted to make an illustration called Before, Now, After, and came up with this concept. Using our planet - the beginning, present and doomsday, and also using a person and a flower to illustrate life and death.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Love & Death - Graphic Novel

Another school assignment, this time a graphic novel. I had the choice between making a children book or  a graphic novel, and there were also lots of different subjects to chose from. I went for one with the title "Love and Death", which are topics that fascinates me in many ways. There are almost infinite ways of making a story with this title, and I wanted to make something different from things I have seen before. Usually stories have a happy ending. The good guy wins. Love prevails. I wanted to focus more on the bad sides of "love", like jealousy, hate, obsession etc. You read and hear about it all the time.. People fighting over the same person,  breakups, people getting their hearts torn out... even people killing their ex.  Yeah, we live in a fucked up world.

It is also a story about egoism. Having a goal and going for it, just focusing on achieving that goal and not caring about others. Often that`s how I feel reality is like. Being so blinded by our own egos that we don`t see or care what happens to anyone else.

Anywhos, that is mainly what inspired me to make it this way. A twisted and dark graphic novel named Love & Death.

Due to a lot of lost days because of travelling, moving and illness I didn`t get time to make it the way I first intended. Because of this I also ended up handing it in late and will therefor get 10% off of the grade... which sucks. So there are still some things that could use some polish and things I would do differently if I had more time. But all together I´m quite happy with it! And the prints looks super awesome:)

Back & Front:

Page 2-3:

Page 4-5:

Page 6-7:

Page 8-9:

Page 10-11:

Page 12-13:

Page 14-15:

Page 16-17:

Page 18-19:

Page 20-21:

Page 22-23: